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Advanced object-oriented programming with Java - Upskilling

Image for Advanced object-oriented programming with Java - Upskilling
Next Start Date
£ 600.00
SFC Funding
SEM2 22/23
Faculty of Science

About this module

Training in coding is required for the UK workforce. The European Commission (EC) believes programming is everywhere and fundamental to the understanding of a hyper-connected world.

The Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition Policy by the EC includes among its objectives developing digital skills for the following groups: i) the labour force (e.g. upskilling and reskilling workers, jobseekers; actions on career advice and guidance), and ii) the education force (i.e. transforming teaching and learning of digital skills in a lifelong learning perspective, including the training of teachers).

According to recent UK-wide statistics (

  • The demand for full-stack software developers has more than tripled between 2015 and 2018;
  • Despite the impact of the covid-19 pandemic, advertised tech roles in the UK grew 36% as of the June 2020; and
  • Java is still the most sought-after programming language (by no. of advertised roles).

What you will learn

The aim of this module is to further the learners’ skills in object-oriented programming by providing knowledge of key data structures and algorithms along with their implementation, usage and testing. The module will also provide experience in object-oriented design.


Jeremy Tutorson



Joe Doe

Lecture in Engineering

Nullam vulputate mi at cursus volutpat. Suspendisse aliquam nec urna a semper. Duis id urna laoreet, fermentum augue in, fermentum velit. Nam egestas dapibus nisi eget accumsan.


Maiko McElroy

Web Application Developer

Vestibulum vel tellus ac neque dapibus vulputate. Vivamus gravida, nunc non pretium varius, tortor felis malesuada orci, sed cursus justo neque sit amet nulla.


TestTutor Testerson



Entry requirement

This module will be suitable for learners who have successfully completed the aforementioned Introduction to object-oriented programming with Java module or have some existing object-oriented programming experience/skills.


Maecenas at augue felis. Nullam porttitor est vel nunc blandit maximus. Donec mi velit, faucibus vitae lorem id, cursus porta neque. Suspendisse sem libero, posuere id sem id, ultrices blandit nunc. Praesent ac felis eget massa laoreet laoreet. Suspendisse facilisis luctus lacus, at dapibus lorem. Nunc leo dolor, sodales at fringilla nec, aliquet sed eros.


Fully funded places are available for this module supported by the Scottish Government and the Scottish Funding Council.

Career path

Nunc at nisi mollis, luctus arcu et, lacinia risus. Curabitur vulputate velit id lacus sodales vestibulum. Mauris tincidunt vehicula eros, nec porttitor turpis. Duis imperdiet consequat scelerisque.

  • Quisque tincidunt molestie purus sed sodales.
  • In tempor turpis non arcu euismod, vehicula condimentum nulla aliquam.
  • In in malesuada neque. Nullam elit enim, pulvinar in nisl nec, dignissim porttitor diam.

Pellentesque sit amet dapibus enim. In quis lectus mattis purus aliquam imperdiet sed nec lectus. Integer a finibus sapien, ac lacinia tortor.

Duis ut diam maximus, iaculis mauris a, gravida ex. Cras consequat et est eget tincidunt. Mauris et tempus nulla.


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